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Python Multiprocessing, Functions With Arguments

I have a program that simulates an entire baseball season, but does a lot of calculations per game, so each game takes around 30 seconds to run. With 2430 games in a season, the pr

Solution 1:

It seems to me that you have simply tried to instantiate a new process for each cpu and had them run the same function that you wrote at first, however if you want to work with processes you would have to adapt it and handle process synchonization.

As an example you could have a master process which prompts the user for the season year, fetches all the games for that year and then the child processes would read from the resulting array. See the following example:

# Parent Processimport multiprocessing as mp

# establish db connection [ ... ]

season = int(input("Year to simulate: "))
c.execute('SELECT * FROM gamelogs_' + season)
season_games = c.fetchall()

counter = mp.Value("i", 0)
lock = mp.Lock()
children = []
for i inrange(os.cpu_count()):
    children.append(mp.Process(target=simulate_games, args=(season_games, counter, lock,)))

for child in children:

for child in children:

# Child Processdefsimulate_games(games_list, counter, lock):
        # acquire the lock which grants the access to the shared variablewith lock:

            # check the termination conditionif counter.value >= len(games_list):
                break# get the game_num and the game to simulate
            game_num = counter.value
            game_to_simulate = games_list[counter.value]

            # update counter for the next process
            counter.value += 1#  Do simulation here

What we have above is a parent process which is basically preparing some data and creating new child processes.

The counter is implemented by means of a special class, i.e Value, which is used for sharing scalar values among processes; Lock is basically a mutex, which we use to synchronize the access to the counter variable and avoid concurrent access: note that you could have used the Lock which is automatically created inside of the counter shared variable, but I thought it would be easier to understand by separating the two.

The children processes by first acquiring the lock, read the counter value and increment it, then proceed to their normal behavior, thus simulating the games

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