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How To Merge Two Data Frames Based On Nearest Date

I want to merge two data frames based on two columns: 'Code' and 'Date'. It is straightforward to merge data frames based on 'Code', however in case of 'Date' it becomes tricky - t

Solution 1:

I don't think there's a quick, one-line way to do this kind of thing but I belive the best approach is to do it this way:

  1. add a column to df1 with the closest date from the appropriate group in df2

  2. call a standard merge on these

As the size of your data grows, this "closest date" operation can become rather expensive unless you do something sophisticated. I like to use scikit-learn's NearestNeighbor code for this sort of thing.

I've put together one approach to that solution that should scale relatively well. First we can generate some simple data:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
dates = pd.date_range('2015', periods=200, freq='D')

rand = np.random.RandomState(42)
i1 = np.sort(rand.permutation(np.arange(len(dates)))[:5])
i2 = np.sort(rand.permutation(np.arange(len(dates)))[:5])

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Code': rand.randint(0, 2, 5),
                    'Date': dates[i1],
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Code': rand.randint(0, 2, 5),
                    'Date': dates[i2],

Let's check these out:

>>>df1CodeDateval1002015-01-16  0.975852102015-01-31  0.516300212015-04-06  0.322956312015-05-09  0.795186412015-06-08  0.270832>>>df2CodeDateval2012015-02-03  0.184334112015-04-13  0.080873202015-05-02  0.428314312015-06-26  0.688500402015-06-30  0.058194

Now let's write an apply function that adds a column of nearest dates to df1 using scikit-learn:

from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

def find_nearest(group, match, groupname):
    match=match[match[groupname] ==]
    nbrs = NearestNeighbors(1).fit(match['Date'].values[:, None])
    dist, ind = nbrs.kneighbors(group['Date'].values[:, None])

    group['Date1'] =group['Date']
    group['Date'] =match['Date'].values[ind.ravel()]

df1_mod = df1.groupby('Code').apply(find_nearest, df2, 'Code')
>>> df1_mod
   Code       Date      val1      Date1

Finally, we can merge these together with a straightforward call to pd.merge:

>>>pd.merge(df1_mod,df2,on=['Code','Date'])CodeDateval1Date1val2002015-05-02  0.9758522015-01-16  0.428314102015-05-02  0.5163002015-01-31  0.428314212015-04-13  0.3229562015-04-06  0.080873312015-04-13  0.7951862015-05-09  0.080873412015-06-26  0.2708322015-06-08  0.688500

Notice that rows 0 and 1 both matched the same val2; this is expected given the way you described your desired solution.

Solution 2:

Here's an alternative solution:

  1. Merge on Code.

  2. Add a date difference column according to your need (I used abs in the example below) and sort the data using the new column.

  3. Group by the records of the first data frame and for each group take a record from the second data frame with the closest date.


df = df1.reset_index()[column_names1].merge(df2[column_names2], on='Code')
df['DateDiff'] = (df['Date1'] - df['Date2']).abs()

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