Python Convert Unicode To String
I got my results from sqlite by python, it's like this kind of tuples: (u'PR:000017512',) However, I wanna print it as 'PR:000017512'. At first, I tried to select the first one in
Solution 1:
You're confusing the string representation with its value. When you print a unicode string the u
doesn't get printed:
>>> foo=u'abc'>>> foo
u'abc'>>> print foo
Since you're dealing with a tuple, you don't get off this easy: You have to print the members of the tuple:
>>> foo=(u'abc',)
>>> print foo
>>> # If the tuple really only has one member, you can just subscript it:>>> print foo[0]
>>> # Join is a more realistic approach when dealing with iterables:>>> print'\n'.join(foo)
Solution 2:
Don't see the problem:
>>> x = (u'PR:000017512',)
>>> print x
>>> print x[0]
You the string is in unicode format, but it still means PR:000017512
Check out the docs on String literals
Solution 3:
In [22]: unicode('foo').encode('ascii','replace')
Out[22]: 'foo'
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