Python Regex, Re.sub, Replacing Multiple Parts Of Pattern?
I can't seem to find a good resource on this.. I am trying to do a simple I want to replace the part where its (.*?), but can't figure out the syntax on how to do this.. I
Solution 1:
>>> import re
>>> originalstring = 'fksf var:asfkj;'
>>> pattern = '.*?var:(.*?);'
>>> pattern_obj = re.compile(pattern, re.MULTILINE)
>>> replacement_string="\\1" + 'test'
>>> pattern_obj.sub(replacement_string, originalstring)
Edit: The Python Docs can be pretty useful reference.
Solution 2:
>>> import re
>>> regex = re.compile(r".*?var:(.*?);")
>>> regex.sub(r"\1test", "fksf var:asfkj;")
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