Task Priority In Celery With Redis
Solution 1:
The Celery Redis transport does honor the priority field, but Redis itself has no notion of priorities.
The priority support is implemented by creating n lists for each queue
and using that order in the BRPOP command.
I say n
here because even though there are 10 (0-9) priority levels, these are
consolidated into 4 levels by default to save resources.
This means that a queue named celery
will really be split into 4 queues:
['celery0', 'celery3`, `celery6`, `celery9`]
If you want more priority levels you can set the priority_steps
transport option:
'priority_steps': list(range(10)),
That said, note that this will never be as good as priorities implemented at the server level, and may be approximate at best. But it may still be good enough for your application.
Solution 2:
Celery docs about redis message priorities is here redis-message-priorities,you can customize priority levels.Take 10 for example:
- set the priority_steps transport option
app.conf.broker_transport_options = {
'priority_steps': list(range(10)),
'queue_order_strategy': 'priority',
- start celery worker in normal way
celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info
- calling tasks, 0 being highest priority and 9 being lowest priority
task.apply_async(args=[arg1, arg2], kwargs={'kwarg1': 'x', 'kwarg2': 'y'},priority=custom_priority)
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