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Highlighting Important Words In A Sentence Using Deep Learning

I am trying to highlight important words in imdb dataset which contributed finally to the sentiment analysis prediction . The dataset is like : X_train - A review as string . Y_tra

Solution 1:

Here is a version with Attention (not Hierarchical) but you should be able to figure out how to make it work with hierarchy too - if not I can help out too. The trick is to define 2 models and use 1 for the training (model) and the other one to extract attention values (model_with_attention_output):

# Tensorflow 1.9; Keras 2.2.0 (latest versions)# should be backwards compatible upto Keras 2.0.9 and tf 1.5from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import *
import numpy as np

  #Get a sequence of indexes of words as input:# Keras supports dynamic input lengths if you provide (None,) as the #  input shape
  inp = Input((None,))
  #Embed words into vectors of size 10 each:# Output shape is (None,10)
  embs = Embedding(dictionary_size, 10)(inp)
  # Run LSTM on these vectors and return output on each timestep# Output shape is (None,5)
  lstm = LSTM(5, return_sequences=True)(embs)
  ##Attention Block#Transform each timestep into 1 value (attention_value) # Output shape is (None,1)
  attention = TimeDistributed(Dense(1))(lstm)
  #By running softmax on axis 1 we force attention_values# to sum up to 1. We are effectively assigning a "weight" to each timestep# Output shape is still (None,1) but each value changes
  attention_vals = Softmax(axis=1)(attention)
  # Multiply the encoded timestep by the respective weight# I.e. we are scaling each timestep based on its weight# Output shape is (None,5): (None,5)*(None,1)=(None,5)
  scaled_vecs = Multiply()([lstm,attention_vals])
  # Sum up all scaled timesteps into 1 vector # i.e. obtain a weighted sum of timesteps# Output shape is (5,) : Observe the time dimension got collapsed
  context_vector = Lambda(lambda x: K.sum(x,axis=1))(scaled_vecs)
  ##Attention Block over# Get the output out
  out = Dense(1,activation='sigmoid')(context_vector)

  model = Model(inp, out)
  model_with_attention_output = Model(inp, [out, attention_vals])
  return model, model_with_attention_output

model,model_with_attention_output = create_models()[[1,2,3]]),[1],batch_size=1)
print ('Attention Over each word: ',model_with_attention_output.predict(np.array([[1,2,3]]),batch_size=1)[1])

The output will be the numpy array with attention value of each word - the higher the value the more important the word was

EDIT: You might want to replace lstm in multiplication with embs to get better interpretations but it will lead to worse performance...

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