Iterate Over List Of Dictionaries And Find Matching Elements From A List And Append Value Of Matching Key To Defaultdict
I have a list of dictionaries. Let's call it: list_of_dict. The dictionaries in the list are in the form: {'a' : 1, 'b' : 5, 'c' : 3, 'd' : 6} and {'a' : 3, 'f' : 2, 'g' : 1, 'h'
Solution 1:
You can use a dictionary comprehension:
{i: [j[i] if i in j else0forjin list_of_dict] foriin list_to_match}
{'a': [1, 3], 'f': [0, 2], 'x': [0, 0]}
Even simpler:
{i: [j.get(i, 0) for j in list_of_dict] for i in list_to_match}
Solution 2:
You could do this, no need to use defaultdict:
list_of_dict = [{'a': 1, 'b': 5,
'c': 3,
'd': 6}, {'a': 3,
'f': 2,
'g': 1,
'h': 3,
'i': 5,
'j': 3}]
list_to_match = ['a', 'f', 'x']
d = {}
formatchin list_to_match:
for ld in list_of_dict:
d.setdefault(match, []).append(ld.get(match, 0))
{'a': [1, 3], 'x': [0, 0], 'f': [0, 2]}
Solution 3:
IIUC, you can just do:
formin list_to_match:
d[m] = [ld.get(m, 0) forldin list_of_dict]
#defaultdict(list, {'a': [1, 3], 'f': [0, 2], 'x': [0, 0]})
This would also work for a regular dictionary if you didn't want to use a defaultdict
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