Using User Input To Call Functions
Solution 1:
It looks like you're using python3.x where input
returns a string. To recover the python2.x behavior, you need eval(input())
. However, you shouldn't do this. It's likely to lead to a bad day.
A better idea is to put the functions into a dictionary --
function_dict = {'move':move, 'jump':jump }
and then:
func = input('>') #raw_input on python2.x
The following code works for me on python3.2.
func_dict = {'move':move}
if __name__ == "__main__":
input("Press enter to begin.")
currentEnvironment = "room"#getNewEnvironment(environments)
currentTimeOfDay = "1 A.M."#getTime(timeTicks, timeOfDay)print("You are standing in the {0}. It is {1}.".format(currentEnvironment, currentTimeOfDay))
command = input("> ")
Solution 2:
You can access functions by name using:
function = globals()[function_name]
if the function is in the current module, or
function = getattr(other_module, function_name)
You should also take measures to disallow calling arbitrary functions, for example, prefixing:
def cmd_move() # ok to call this
def cmd_jump() # ok to call this
def internal_func....
cmd = raw_input('>') # e.g. "move"fun = globals()['cmd_' + cmd]
Solution 3:
Have a look at the cmd
module. See this.
It is normally used for shell style comman dlanguages, but it can also be used to create simple text style adventure games.
You can create commands by creating a new method on the Cmd
defdo_move(self, args):
if self.next_room.has_snake():
print"The next room contains a poisonous snake. It bites you and you die."else:
print"The room is empty"
Solution 4:
It's usually better to re-use code as Hans suggests, but if you wanted to input commands and run them manually, it would be MUCH safer to have a dictionary of valid commands than to directly execute user-provided input.
cmd = { 'move': move, 'jump': jump, 'look': look }
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