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How To Make Print() Override Work "globally"

From How to override python builtins with an import statement I obtained the following code: from __future__ import print_function def print(*args, **kwargs): . . some inte

Solution 1:

You can't (and shouldn't) have a global override that turns on a future statement. Since future statements affect the way a Python source file is parsed and compiled, before Python can even tell that MyOverrides defines a print function, all future statements a module uses must be explicit. You can't import a future statement from another module.

The safest way to replace the print function is to explicitly use from __future__ import print_function in all your modules, then import a replacement for print from one of your modules. Don't replace __builtin__.print.

If you want to affect all output to stdout, whether by print statement or print function, anywhere at all, you can replace sys.stdout with a wrapper.

import sys

stdout = sys.stdout

class new_stdout(object):
    def write(*args, **kwargs):
        # do whatever
        stdout.write(*args, **kwargs)

sys.stdout = new_stdout()

However, this is probably a bad idea, and it won't affect print statements or print functions that use an explicit file argument.

Solution 2:

Another stackoverflow user provided most of the answer, but then apparently deleted it (?). Here is a working solution. Once again, I recognize this isn't necessarily a best practice, but it can be handy in certain situations.


from __future__ import print_function
import __builtin__

builtin_print = __builtin__.printdefprint(*args, **kwargs):
    .... whatever code you need here
    return builtin_print(*args, **kwargs)
__builtin__.print = print


from __future__ import print_function
fromMyOverridesimport *

As pointed out by another user, future import needs to happen in every module that intends to use future functionality.

Thanks to user @kindall who answered and then apparently withdrew the answer.

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