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In Python Word Search, Searching Diagonally, Printing Result Of Where Word Starts And Ends

I have a friend of mine tutoring me in learning Python and he gave me this project where a user will read a word search into the program and the file includes a list of words that

Solution 1:

This is more of a brute force problem, however there are more efficient techniques available but keeping in mind that you are new to this field I won't suggest you to focus on algorithmic part, So first of all we will create a function called search_diagonal which will take 3 arguments as starting_point, mesh, length_of_word and you can do some pretty stuff inside that function depending upon the arguments passed.

One you have 3 arguments you can then easily propagate diagonally as:


defsearch_diagonal(starting_point, MESH, length_of_word):
    new_word1 = ""
    new_word2 = ""
    new_word3 = ""
    new_word4 = ""for i in xrange(length_of_word):
        #Propagating in SE direction
    for i in xrange(length_of_word):
        #Propagating in NE direction
    for i in xrange(length_of_word):
        #Propagating in NW direction
    for i in xrange(length_of_word):
        #Propagating in SW direction
    return new_word1, new_word2, new_word3, new_word4

However there is a need to handle a lot of exception cases like index out of range etc. but this must give you a rough idea of how this problem can be solved.

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