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Python Oauth Woocommerce

I am trying to use a WooCommerce Python client to make a POST request but I get 'Provided Signature does not match' The client I use is from: WooCommerce API OAuth in python This

Solution 1:

I used your code as a starting point for my own solution to this problem and had some success! Here's what I did:

import requests
import random
import string
import time
from hashlib import sha1
import hmac
import binascii
import re
from urllib import quote, urlencode
import httplib2
from collections import OrderedDict

defkey_compare(a, b):
    return cmp(a[0], b[0])

    """docstring for Restful_Client"""def__init__(self, endpoint, consumer_key, consumer_secret):
        super(Restful_Client, self).__init__()
        self.consumer_key = consumer_key
        self.consumer_secret = consumer_secret
        self.endpoint = endpoint

    defmake_request(self, resource, params, method='GET'):
        oauth_params = {
            'oauth_consumer_key': self.consumer_key,
            'oauth_nonce': self.gen_nonce(),
            'oauth_timestamp': self.gen_timestamp(),
            'oauth_signature_method': 'HMAC-SHA1',
            # 'oauth_version':'1.0'
        oauth_params['oauth_signature'] = self.gen_signature(
            OrderedDict( params.items() + oauth_params.items() ),
        params = OrderedDict( params.items() + oauth_params.items() )
        clean_params = self.sort_params(self.normalize_params(params))

        uri = endpoint + resource
        p_string = urlencode(clean_params)

        print'p string:'print'\n'.join(p_string.split('&'))

        return httplib2.Http().request(uri + '?' + p_string)

    defgen_signature(self, resource, params, method):
        base_request_uri = quote(self.endpoint + resource, safe = "")
        clean_params = self.sort_params(
        query_string = '%26'.join([
            key + '%3D' + value\
            for key, value in clean_params.iteritems()
        raw_string = '&'.join([method, base_request_uri, query_string]) 
        print"raw string: "print'\n'.join(raw_string.split('%26'))
        hashed =, raw_string, sha1)
        return binascii.b2a_base64( hashed.digest() )[:-1]

    defnormalize_string(self, string):
        return quote(str(string), safe="")

    defnormalize_params(self, params):
        return OrderedDict( [
            (self.normalize_string(key), self.normalize_string(value))\
            for key, value \
            in params.iteritems()

    defsort_params(self, params):
        return OrderedDict(sorted(

        # return 1429451603defgen_nonce(self):
        #todo: make this more secureif __name__ == "__main__":
    store_url = '<STORE URL HERE>'
    api_base = 'wc-api'
    api_ver = 'v2'
    endpoint = "%s/%s/%s/" % (store_url, api_base, api_ver)

    consumer_key = '<CK HERE>'
    consumer_secret = '<CS HERE>'

    resource = 'customers'
    parameters = {
        # 'fields':'id,first_name'

    rc = Restful_Client(endpoint, consumer_key, consumer_secret)
    r, c = rc.make_request(resource, parameters, 'GET')
    print r
    print c

What I would suggest is ensuring that the parameters are encoded the correct number of times, I found that the parameters needed to be "double encoded" to work. It looks like in this case your parameters (the key and value strings) are not "double encoded" as suggested in the API doc

You can test this hypothesis by trying a simple GET request without any parameters like the one in my code. if that works then that might be your problem. Good luck!

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