Why Won't This Override Of The Model.save() Function In Django Work?
Solution 1:
What version of django are you using? What you have there listed should work, I use that same logic in many of my own models, and it works fine.
According to this page: http://fosshelp.blogspot.com/2010/12/django-override-save-method-two-ways.html
you should be able to change the code to look like this (below), and it will do the same thing but won't reference the Post model.
defsave(self, *args, **kwargs):
ifnot self.id:
self.slug = slugify( self.title )
models.Model.save(self, *args, **kwargs ) # <-- notice the self
Another point , instead of using "if not self.id:" it is generally better practice to use "if not self.pk:" instead. see these related links.
How that helps.
Solution 2:
I'm wondering if you have an indentation error at your super()
line -- do you have tabs and spaces mixed up?
Upon starting the server even typing in super(IDONTEXIST, self)
should not throw an error until save()
is called.
I can reproduce your error if I de-indent the super line.
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