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Instantiate Subclass From Superclass

I need to instantiate a subclass from the superclass. class Superclass(object): @staticmethod def get_instance(): #This should return an instance of subclass1 or su

Solution 1:

use @classmethod instead of @staticmethod :

        #This should return an instance of subclass1 or subclass2return cls()


Solution 2:

If you want to access the list of subclasses of a given class you can use the __subclasses__ method:

[<class '__main__.Subclass1'>, <class '__main__.Subclass2'>]

If you already know the existing subclasses you can simply instantiate them directly:

>>>classMyClass(object):...defgetInstance(self):...return Subclass1()...>>>classSubclass1(MyClass): pass...>>>MyClass().getInstance()
<__main__.Subclass1 object at 0x1e72d10>

Anyway, I guess that you are trying to implement the Singleton pattern, in which case I think you should not use a getInstance method at all. Just implement it using:

  • a module, since modules are singletons
  • Reimplementing __new__ to return the old instance, if an instance already exist
  • Using some metaclass

And there are a lot more ways of doing this.

If this is not your aim, then maybe you ought to change design because super-class usually do not have to know about subclasses.

Solution 3:

The correct way to do this, if you cannot just call selfclass() in a classmethod, is to define (or assume) a factory method, and have your superclass method call that factory method on self:


      @classmethod # this is not really necessary, but it means you don't need an instance to start withdeffactoryuser(selfclass, *args):
          return selfclass.factory(*args)

      #only define factory if you want Mixinator to be usable on its own      @classmethoddeffactory(selfclass, *args):
          return selfclass(*args)  # this is a stub.

Obviously, child classes should need to have something more involved in their factory to make this worthwhile. I'm not sure there's any use-case that can't be solved by replacing factory with an appropriate __new__, but this is more explicit.

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