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Error Importing Wxpython

I've just installed wxPython with no problems. I'm on a Snow Leopard Mac using Python 2.6 and downloaded the corresponding wxPython version. I've started by typing a very basic wxP

Solution 1:

You can't use wxPython in 64-bit mode. First, force Python to use the 32-bit binary:

defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes

Then you can use the builtin Python and the builtin wxPython.

Solution 2:

Ok, the problem was I was running python 2.5.

To all MacOSX users who get stuck trying to install wxPython or any other python module: make sure your Python version is the same as the requested by the module. The python version included in MacOS tends to be older than the last stable one.

Thank you to all who helped me out.

Solution 3:

I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to use the standard MacPython install with wxPython, but I don't have a Mac, so I'm not sure...FYI: The cocoa build of wxPython DOES support 64-bit mode, though.

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