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Creating Classes Inside A Loop Python

I'm working on a Python project and I want to do something like the next example, but is incorrect. I need some help, please! names = ['name1', 'name2'] for name in names: cla

Solution 1:

The class statement requires a hard-coded class name. You can use the type function, however, to create such dynamic classes.

names = ['name1', 'name2']
class_dict = {}
for name in names:
    # statements to prepare d
    class_dict[name] = type(name, (object,), d)

Here, d is a dictionary that should contain any attributes and methods that you would have defined in your class. class_dict is used to store your class objects, as injecting dynamic names directly into the global namespace is a bad idea.

Here is a concrete example of using the type function to create a class.

d = {}
d['foo'] = 5definitializer(self, x):
    self.x = x + 6
d['__init__'] = initializer
MyClass = type('MyClass', (object,), d)

This produces the same class as the following class statement.

    foo = 5def__init__(self, x):
        self.x = x + 6

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