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How To Switch To Window Authentication Popup And Enter Credentials?

After opening application URL, User is redirected to Sign-In page where there is a Sign-In button. driver.get('') Now when user click on Sign-In button, URL is changed in t

Solution 1:

The dialog is treated as an alert by selenium. In c#, the code to enter in credentials for a Firefox test looks like:

// Inputs id with permissions into the Windows Authentication boxvar alert = driver.SwitchTo().Alert();
alert.SendKeys( @"username" + Keys.Tab + 
                @"password" + Keys.Tab);

The first line is telling the driver to check for open alerts (the dialog box).

The second line sends the username and password to the alert

The third line then sends those credentials and, assuming they are valid, the test will continue.

Assuming you are testing using Firefox, there is no requirement to use extra frameworks to deal with this authentication box.

Solution 2:

It looks like you just have to open the URL with basic auth credentials. Can you try this first?


If you're still getting the popup, try this

driver.get('') #assuming thisis the site that handles authentication

It should stop the popup

Solution 3:

you can automate the keyboard:

import keyboard

Here is an example of loading a login page with selenium, then entering login credentials with keyboard:

from selenium.webdriver import Firefox
importkeyboarddriver= Firefox()

keyboard.press_and_release('shift + tab')
keyboard.write('user', delay=1)
keyboard.write('pass', delay=1)

Note: keyboard may require root permission on Linux.

Solution 4:

You need to switch to the alert, which is different than a window. Once the alert is present, you switch the alert handle, then use the .authenticate method to give it the username and password

alert = driver.switch_to.alert
alert.authenticate(username, password)

You may want to wait on the EC.alert_is_present expected condition to be sure the alert is present.

Solution 5:

Try this (with page_title being the title of the popup window and assuming you are on a windows machine) :

from win32com.client import Dispatch
autoit = Dispatch("AutoItX3.Control")

        autoit.WinSetOnTop(page_title, "", 1)
        autoit.WinActivate(page_title, "")

An example how to setup AutoIt with python can be found here : Calling AutoIt Functions in Python

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