Is There A Mysql Equivalent To Python's Set Type?
Solution 1:
The proper way to implement a set in SQL would be with two extra tables:
CREATETABLE set_member (
set_id int unsigned NOTNULL,
UNIQUE (set_id, member)
(You might be able to avoid the set
table, if you want to store sets in only one table, and that table has a unique ID, and you will only store one set per record in the table)
Since it is very likely that you're not looking for a proper SQL approach (which is actally fine, if you're never going to perform any in-database operation on those sets, besides storage and retrieval), you will likely store your set denormalized in a single field on a table instead of following recommended practices; in that case there is no native MySQL data type that can represent a Python set and you will need to serialize your set in a varchar
or a text
column. It is completely up to you to pick a serialization format that fits your needs.
Solution 2:
This is easy: "I am looking for a standard way to preserve Python [frozen]sets in a MySQL database."
This is not: "*SQL equivalent to Python's set type?"
The set type does more than contain values - it allows set operations with them - the closest approach would be the ENUM type - - but you'd have to create an enum for each set you'd want.
However, if all you want is to preserve the values of a frozenset to retrieve it later from Python, you can easily serialize it with Pickle, and store it as a BLOB in the SQL database:
import pickle
data = pickle.dumps(my_frozen_set)
cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (%s,)""", (data,))
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