Return Field Name And Value From Sqlalchemy Result
How could i get the table column name and value using sqlalchemy? Using what i have, i'm able to retrieve: (2, 'blue', 'square') But what i would like to get is : {'id': 2, 'colo
Solution 1:
With using Query.column_descriptions
here you go:
class SelectType(object):
def go(self, s, cc, pp):
__table__ = Table('servers', metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
result = s.query(__table__).filter_by(color=environment).filter_by(type=pp)
column_names = [c["name"] for c in result.column_descriptions]
return [dict(zip(column_names, row)) for row in result.all()]
Solution 2:
I am fairly new to this so I may be misunderstanding your question. but it looks like you want your data in JSON.
I dont know if you have access to the key with the connection_manager.select_type, but one thing thats worth trying is this:
for k,v in connection_manager.select_type('blue', 'square'):
where k is the key and v is the value. that could be a possible way of iterating through it.
This question is semi related to another post here: SQLAlchemy: Knowing the field names and values of a model object? which may help you as well. Good luck!
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