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Pass All Arguments Of A Function To Another Function

I want to have a class that I can create subclasses of that has a print function that only prints on a particular condition. Here's basically what I'm trying to do: class ClassWith

Solution 1:

The standard way to pass on all arguments is as @JohnColeman suggested in a comment:

    defprint(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.condition:
            print(*args, **kwargs)

As parameters, *args receives a tuple of the non-keyword (positional) arguments, and **kwargs is a dictionary of the keyword arguments.

When calling a function with * and **, the former tuple is expanded as if the parameters were passed separately and the latter dictionary is expanded as if they were keyword parameters.

Solution 2:

I know it looks a bit ugly but works perfectly, if you are using a lot of keyword arguments and only want to build a facade for another method:

defprint(self, print_message, end='\n', sep=' ', flush=False, file=None):
    if self.condition:
        print(**{key: value for key, value inlocals().items() if key notin'self'})

Although it's a lot of boilerplate, it avoids any duplication of parameter statements.

You might also look into using a decorator to make the conditional part more pythonic. But beware that the decorator checks the condition once prior to the class instantiation.

Solution 3:

Just duplicate the named arguments for the method signature.

def print(self, *args, end='\n', sep=' ', flush=False, file=None):
        print(*args, end=end, sep=sep, flush=flush, file=file)

Solution 4:

    defappend_twice(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.append(*args, **kwargs)
        self.append(*args, **kwargs)
l = List()
print(l) # ['Hello', 'Hello']

Solution 5:

Add at the end like this

defprint(self, *args, end=''):

If the arguments are dynamic or too many:

defprint(self, *args, **kwargs):

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