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Threading In Django Is Not Working In Production

I have a function in my Django that looks like this. def process(request): form = ProcessForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): instance =

Solution 1:

Wrong architecture. Django and other web apps should be spawning threads like this. The correct way is to create an async task using a task queue. The most popular task queue for django happens to be Celery.

The mart:processing page should then check the async result to determine if the task has been completed. A rough sketch is as follows.

from celery.result import AsynResult
from myapp.tasks import my_task

if form.is_valid():
    task_id = my_task()
    return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('mart:processing'))

On the subsequent page

task_id = request.session.get('task_id')
if task_id:
    task = AsyncResult(task_id)

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