Valueerror: Cannot Copy Sequence To Array Axis In Python For Matplotlib Animation
I am reading in a constantly updated data.txt file and am calculating a rolling standard deviation on the incoming data stream. I am storing that in std. I have a window size of
Solution 1:
The reason for your error is that you std
becomes a list (of one element) of a data frame. pd.rolling_std()
is already giving you a data frame, and then you append it to your list. If you just directly assign it, it will work better:
std = pd.rolling_std(yar, 100)
However, when running pd.rolling_std()
there is a deprecation warning given. So, the line should rather be:
std = yar.rolling(window=100,center=False).std()
Also, there are a few more simplifications that can be made as of how you generate xar
and yar
. xar
is just a range and yar
contains all the elements of data
allowing you to write:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
def animate(i):
data = pd.read_csv("C:\\Users\\Desktop\\data.txt", sep="\[|\]\[|\]",engine = 'python', header = None)
data = data.iloc[0]
data = data.astype(str).apply(lambda x: x.split(',')[-1]).astype(float)
xar = range(len(data))
yar = pd.DataFrame(data)
std = yar.rolling(window=100,center=False).std()
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=.01)
where animate()
has been somewhat simplified.
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