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Is There A __dunder__ Method Corresponding To |= (pipe Equal/update) For Dicts In Python 3.9?

In python 3.9, dictionaries gained combine | and update |= operators. Is there a dunder/magic method which will enable this to be used for other classes? I've tried looking in the

Solution 1:

Yes, | and |= correspond to __or__ and __ior__.

Don't look at the python source code, look at the documentation. In particular, the data model.

See here

And note, this isn't specific to python 3.9.

Solution 2:

Yes, the method for | is __or__ and the method for |= is __ior__. You can see an (approximate) Python implementation here in PEP 584.

def__or__(self, other):
    ifnotisinstance(other, dict):
    new = dict(self)
    return new

def__ior__(self, other):
    dict.update(self, other)
    return self

Solution 3:

No need to dig through the source. It's clearly documented as __or__ and __ior__. is the relevant documentation.

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