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How To Extract Numbers And Their Indices From A String In Python

I'm trying to write a function that will take a string and return a dictionary containing all of the numbers contained within the string and the index at which they begin. For exam

Solution 1:

In [44]: strs="1this is a 134 test15"

In [45]: {m.start(0):int( for m in re.finditer("\d+", strs)}
Out[45]: {0: 1, 11: 134, 19: 15}

Solution 2:

>>>import re>>>text = "1this is a 134 test15">>>d = dict((m.start(), int( for m in re.finditer(r'\d+', text))>>>d
{0: 1, 19: 15, 11: 134}

Solution 3:

The start() method of regular expression MatchObjects will provide the string offset of the current match.

Solution 4:

If you're looking for a function, i hope this may be useful. There's surely an easier way to do it. Howerver, this is what I've worked out. I tried my best :)

def function(string,dic={},p=0):

      return dic

      i=0ifstring[0] in'1234567890':
        whilestring[i] in'0123456789':

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