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Converting String Tokens Into Integers

I am trying to convert tokens of sentences into integers. But it is giving me floats. from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from gensim.models import Word2Vec sometext = 'hello

Solution 1:

There's no essential reason to use Word2Vec for this. The point of Word2Vec is to map words to multi-dimensional, "dense" vectors, with many floating-point coordinates.

Though Word2Vec happens to scan your training corpus for all unique words, and give each unique word an integer position in its internal data-structures, you wouldn't usually make a model of only one-dimension (size=1), or ask the model for the word's integer slot (an internal implementation detail).

If you just need a (string word)->(int id) mapping, the gensim class Dictionary can do that. See:

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from gensim.corpora.dictionary import Dictionary

sometext = "hello how are you doing?"

tokens = word_tokenize(sometext)
my_vocab = Dictionary([tokens])


Now, if there's actually some valid reason to be using Word2Vec – such as needing the multidimensional vectors for a larger vocabulary, trained on a significant amount of varying text – and your real need is to know its internal integer slots for words, you can access those via the internal wv property's vocab dictionary:


Solution 2:

You can use gensim corpora.Dictionary to create a dictionary and ids for tokens.

from gensim import corpora
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary([tokens])
Dictionary(6 unique tokens: ['?', 'are', 'doing', 'hello', 'how']...)
{'?': 0, 'are': 1, 'doing': 2, 'hello': 3, 'how': 4, 'you': 5}

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