Looking For An Inverted Heap In Python
Solution 1:
You can easily 'create' an inverted heap by multiplying the priorities of your items by -1.
So your nsmallest
simply needs to be told how to 'invert' the priorities, decorating each value as needed:
defnsmallest(series, n, invert=lambda x: -1 * x):
count = 0
heap = []
for e in series:
if count < n:
count += 1
hp.heappush(heap, (invert(e), e))
# keeps heap size fixed
hp.heappushpop(heap, (invert(e), e))
# note: heap[0][1] is largest, remove inverted prioritiesreturn [h[1] for h in heap]
Note that we use a (invertedpriority, value)
tuple to keep the heap inverted.
For non-numericals, you'd have to simply provide a inversion function that turns the priorities upside down, it only needs to be a simple key, not something that is readable or anything:
alphanumeric_invert = lambda x: [(ord(c) * -1) for c in x]
However, rather than write your own, you want to use the heapq.nsmallest()
function, which uses an optimised max-heap implementation (there is an internal _heappop_max()
function it uses), which also adds a tie-breaker counting value to keep the sort stable. And there is a matching heapq.nlargest()
Solution 2:
Use heapq.nsmallest
from the Python standard library:
heapq.nsmallest(n, iterable[, key])
Return a list with the
smallest elements from the dataset defined byiterable
. Equivalent to:sorted(iterable, key=key)[:n]
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